Monday, October 29, 2007


Well, it's been 12 days since my last blog, and I feel almost guilty by my procrastination in getting back to everyone. It's amazing how many people from the States I think about every single day. It's as if I catch a glimpse of someone and have a whole conversation in my head again with that person...or I relive a memory...maybe I even make a new one...

My life here in Singapore has been an unimaginable one. From the food I eat, to the bus I take to work, to the people I've met, it is still hard for me to believe everything in this transition could be so easy. I remember before I left, I told many people that I was following something big that resided deep in my soul. I "followed the signs" assuming that some sort of higher power was directing me here and would reward me when I arrived. Well, I don't know what reward I was expecting, but knowing that there is a huge grin on my face is probably the best I could ever do. Life is meant to be this simple. It is a level of contentment I have always lusted for. Perhaps I will die soon, but if so, my life will not have been in waste.

Since I've been here, I've done many things: A fashion show, a Black Eyed Peas concert, joined a basketball league, saw a live Asian band cover Linkin Park, and, oh well, visited Krabi, the Thai beach community where the movie "The Beach" was filmed. Also hit up many of the night spots here, including "Clark Quay", which is very cool. (Look it up).

I met up with a guy from Warren, of all places, and he introduced me to his buddies. Strange, but they are all 28 years old (like me), single, and feverishly obsessed with the movie "American Pyscho." In fact, they can quote almost every line in the movie, which I though only I could do. They were the ones that invited me to Thailand. They told me I'm never going back to the States. They've been here each for 2-3 years already.

I also secured my new apartment, which I will move into in November. I live on the 9th floor of a condo overlooking the beach. Two full gyms, basketball, tennis, a huge pool, a bar, and several delicious seafood places within walking distance. I plan to buy another scooter soon so I can cruise up and down the beach after work to unwind.

Life is good here. I do miss people, and I'm sure it will get worse. More to come on that soon.

1 comment:

Taus said...

I got an 8:30 res standing at Dorsia whenever you want to hope a plane back to Manhattan. Keep your eyes OPEN!