Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2007: Growing, Evolving, Balding

Looking Back on 2007

This year has been such a monumental one in my life. It is has been one of those years where I felt like I have lived perhaps more than ever. I have grown. I have evolved. I have stretched myself. In addition, I have seen events come to fruition this year that have since childhood only been thoughts of “when I grow up…”

Most people that know me would hypothesize that the most significant happening in my life this year was my move to Singapore. True, this was quite a change and one that will forever change me, but it was not the most important part of my life.

It was Tu-Anh. For me, it feels like I have known her forever, but the fact is that we only started dating in November of 2006. I guess that is love. Most of our relationship developed over the course of 2007, and it was in an awesome way. TAB taught me more about love, relationships, and the man I could be than anyone. She was the single biggest driver of my life this year, and the one that truly set me on a course to live my dream. Despite the loss of being together on a daily/weekly basis, she always encouraged me to do what I felt was right. She was never selfish about my choice to live on the other side of the world, and that has changed my perspective on love forever.

As I think about those “when I grow up” moments, I’m really just alluding to the marriages of Joe/Laura and Solomon/Christen. I’ve known Joe since we were children, and the idea that one day he would be married was foreseeable, but I’m always amazed by the actualization of such ideas that float through our minds as children. I’m so happy to see this event. I also have known Solomon since college. I still remember the first year of college…a naïve young gentleman with ambition and over-eagerness. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure if I am self-reflecting or talking about Solomon. In a way, we have shared these characteristics. Now, almost 10 years later, Solomon is a grown, mature individual who has taken on the responsibility of a wife.

In the Fall of 2007, right before I left, my grandmother Sheree passed away. Many people reading this may not be aware, but Sheree had a special relationship with everyone in our family…a true matriarch. She was also the most important person in my grandfather’s life. I idolize my grandfather more than anyone, and to see him in pain had a dramatic effect on me. I saw perhaps one of the strongest people I know break down. And that hurt more than anything. As with anything else in life, we find a way to move on, and though she will always be missed, she will never be forgotten. The chilling reality is someone is strong forever…even a rock can fissure.

And finally, there is Singapore. The choice I have made to come here could not have been a better decision. From a career standpoint, I have set myself up for great things, but the decision extends so much beyond that. My perspective on the world, the US, and the interconnectedness of all of us is forefront in my thoughts now. In addition, the almost complete elimination of US media from my life has actually had a positive impact of my mood. No more worries about war, or crime, or drugs. No more North Minneapolis either, which I both love and hate. Perhaps I am oversensitive to these social ills, but they influence and impact your thoughts when you live there, whether you know it or not.

Of course, the year could not have been completed without something outrageous. On December 17th, I broke a bone for the first time in my life...my fifth metatarsal (my foot) and had surgery. Surgery in a foreign country was quite the experience. I took a cab to the hospital, had surgery, laid in a bed two days, checked myself out, and took a cab home. I saw no one for three days. I HAD DISAPPEARED. The nurses looked at my oddly as I explained my insistance that no one from my office, nor my friends, come visit me. Perhaps a bit of narcissism here, but I find true strength in dealing with complete isolation.

As I look back, I realize that all the most important memories of the year all evolve around relationships. This certainly holds true year after year, yet the people and relationships change. It is at the core of my belief that nothing can be forever, so it is crucial that we are completely aware of every moment…that the moments we share are to be cherished, because eventually they will end.

Best wishes, happy holidays and have a great 2008!